It is now an HMFA tradition for the federated schools to take part in the annual Year 6 production at The Courtyard in Hereford. This year the children performed Madagascar to a packed audience on two evenings. Kings Caple children performed impeccably and with enthusiasm and maturity. It can be a daunting experience for children in a small school who have not performed before, let alone on a professional stage with lights and cameras! Our children faced the challenge and reaped the reward together with their peers – rapturous applause and an improved belief that they can face any new challenge with fewer nerves! We are so very proud of each and every one of them. Our thanks to our Year 6 parents who made sure that the children arrived on time and came to support their children. We couldn’t do these things without you!
A special thanks to the teachers, TA’s and backstage staff who make sure that the performance is the success that it is. Most notably, we would like to say our own thank-you to Mrs Meredith and Mrs Talboys who helped the children on both evenings with their costumes, face painting and provided support and encouragement when needed.