Food & Drink


The children are able to have a hot school meal every day for the cost of £2.45 (£2.55 from Sept ’24). Our parents order meals via a secure platform – ParentPay – a login will be provided on school admission. Menus operate on a 3 week rotation. Kings Caple Primary Academy’s hot school meals comply with the new School Food Plan. All children in reception, year 1 and year 2 (key Stage 1) are eligible for a Universal Infant Free School Meal. Parents with an eligible child should fill in a menu. Parents with children in Key Stage 2 who believe that they may be eligible for free meals can pick up the listed criteria and an application form from the school office.

If you do not wish your child to take up hot school meals your child should bring a packed lunch to school and a drink in an unbreakable flask. Water and beakers are available at lunchtimes. Children are encouraged to bring in a bottle of water for in the classroom which they can have access to during lessons. There is also a drinking fountain in the cloakroom and in the playground. Fizzy drinks are not permitted in lunchboxes but squash and fruit juice drinks are.

Packed Lunches

Packed lunches should be nutritional and children are encouraged to eat healthily. Crisps, sweets and chocolate are discouraged both as mid-morning snacks and in lunchboxes. If you are entitled to Free School Meals either because your child is in KS1 (Universal Infant Free School Meals) or you have applied, your child can choose between a hot school lunch or a packed lunch.

School Milk

Kings Caple provides a milk scheme that is available to all of our pupils. School milk is free for all under-fives and is subsidised for pupils aged five or older. All parents with children of any age need to register with Cool Milk at Milk is then delivered fresh and chilled to the classroom. Their school milk will not only provide them with essential nutrients, but as it is rehydrating and energy boosting it also bridges the gap between breakfast and lunch to help children stay focused.

Free school meals are available to children in years 3,4,5 and 6 if you or your partner receive benefits. You can apply for free school meals if you receive any of the following benefits:

You should apply for free school meals for your child/children by completing a form which can be obtained from the school Reception Office, where the administrative staff will be pleased to help you with any enquiries.

Breaktime Snacks

Children are encouraged to have a drink at break times and a healthy snack. The only snacks allowed in school must be a healthy option. In Key Stage 1 (infants) the children have free fruit. Key Stage 2 (juniors) can also bring fruit or vegetables. (Fruit can be of the fresh or dried variety).

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