Firstly, thank you to all our parents for allowing us to successfully complete our annual data checking exercise by returning information sheets promptly with any changes required. We appreciate that this is a tedious task but nevertheless an important one, ensuring that the data we hold is current and correct. Please don’t forget to let school know if your contact details change at all throughout the year, if your child’s medical record needs to be updated or if there is a change in the permissions that you provide to school.

Thank you also to all those that joined the afternoon of rounders last Sunday at Tresseck campsite in Hoarwithy. We hear that a good time was had raising funds for our PTFA who then spend this money to allow the children to take part in extra curricular activities and events that would otherwise not be possible. We would like to thank those PTFA members who organised this and other events throughout the year and also to all those who attend and support the occasions whenever they can. We appreciate that in everyone’s whirlwind lives time is precious, so, thank you to all of our parents and carers who give of it freely whether organising, supporting or attending when they are able to.

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