We have finally received our recycling bins from the Hereford Community Clean Up Group (to whom we are very grateful). they have updated their list of items that they are recycling for local charities and we have therefore decided to collect the following in our bins:

Please gather and bring in what you can from home and place in the correctly coloured bin.  The bins are by the shed as you enter the playground for easy access.  We will continue to collect crisp packets as well.

Charities that are benefiting from these and the group’s wider collections are: Widemarsh Ventures who train vulnerable adults; Hereford Diocese Mothers Union; Horizon Training who offer a range of courses for youngsters and adults; Born Sleeping at the County Hospital, Hereford Foodbank, RSPCA, Chapters Charity Bookshop and the Hereford Branch National Autistic Society.

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