The Here for Herefordshire holidays programme booking system will open on Wednesday 20 November. Children and young people (school aged 5 to 16) in Herefordshire who are eligible for benefits-related free school meals are invited to book up to 4 activity sessions between 21 December and 3 January. Every child that attends will be offered a free healthy meal.
Herefordshire Council’s Talk Community team are working in partnership with local organisations to deliver a range of exciting free indoor and outdoor activities for children over the Christmas break. The Here for Herefordshire programme aims to keep children and young people active, engaged and connected with others and reduce the potential for ‘unhealthy holidays’.
There are a variety of activities across the whole of the county, from football to crafts, drama, inflatables and more!
Eligible families are informed by schools about this great programme and encouraged to book their child(ren) a place through the Christmas holidays activities page on Herefordshire Councils website
Here for Herefordshire Holidays activity programme is made possible through funding from the UK Government’s Holiday activities and food programme.