
Appreciation of music leading to opportunities to express own creativity.

Music is promoted at Kings Caple as an opportunity for personal expression, helping children to better understand the world they live in and enabling them to feel part of a community. From an early age, pupils at Kings Caple take part in a wide variety of musical opportunities. Singing assemblies takes place.  Every child has the chance to sing, dance and use musical instruments. 

Our Music Development Plan

Through music lessons in class, pupils learn to sing and use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, and use technology appropriately.

KS1 Music Overview

Children are taught to use their voices expressively and creatively by singing songs and speaking chants and rhymes.

They listen with concentration and understanding to a range of high-quality live and recorded music, and also experiment with, create, select and combine sounds using the inter-related dimensions of music

KS2 Music Overview

Children are taught to sing and play musically with increasing confidence and control. They will develop an understanding of musical composition, organising and manipulating ideas within musical structures and reproducing sounds from aural memory. There will be opportunities to record their compositions using musical notation.

They will also appreciate and understand a wide range of music drawn from different traditions and from great composers and musicians, developing an understanding of the history of music.

Children have the opportunity to play a musical instrument and be involved in musical community links.

Children in Years 4, 5 and 6 take part in ‘Moving Targets’ annually. The children learn a dance to music and perform together with other schools to their friends and family at The Courtyard in Hereford.

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