In maths, children have been using their knowledge of times tables to complete number sequences.  Pupils have been working hard on solving addition and subtraction word problems, identifying which words give them the clue as to whether they should add or subtract.  Children will move on to use the inverse relationship between addition and subtraction next.

In English, pupils have been changing the model text ‘The Magic Brush’ with innovations of their own and they will write up their new version of the story next.  Pupils have been focussing on making appropriate predictions in reading, using the text for support.

In science, children have made careful observations on different rocks and tested their properties.  They have learnt the names of the three different types of rock.  Pupils will study how fossils are formed and what soil is made of next.

In RE, children have looked at special times/festivals in both the Christian and Islamic calendar.

In French, pupils have started to learn new vocabulary connected with the weather.

In topic, children have studied what Roman villas were like and have revised counting in Roman Numerals to 100.  Pupils will look at what Romans liked to do in their leisure time next

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