During maths, we have been looking at position, direction and translating coordinates. We have seen huge progress across the class and have enjoyed spending time working on these areas of mathematics. The children have now begun to look at money, comparing and estimating, and will soon begin to reason with money problems.

Within English, we have started to look at warning tales. The children have already produced some wonderful cold task pieces. We are all looking forward to learning how to extend our writing further by looking at the key features.

In Science the children have set up an enquiry on how water is transported through plants. The children have also explored the life cycle of a flowering plant and been creative in making a flower with super seed dispersal qualities.

We are continuing to extend our knowledge of the Anglo-Saxons and discovered all about Sutton Hoo and what religion the Saxons brought to our shores. We are now turning our attention to Alfred the Great and soon be introduced to the Vikings!

We have finished our prehistoric art by creating sketches on our homemade cave walls. The children have also experimented using many different colours and created a piece of art using their hand prints.

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