In maths, the children have focussed on division.  They have calculated the answers to missing number sentences using their knowledge of times tables and have started to learn a formal written method to solve more complex questions with larger numbers. Pupils have also solved word problems, deciding which operation to use.    

In English, pupils have learnt what prepositions are and how they can be used in writing.  They have also studied different sentence types, as well as recapping many common homophones in spelling sessions.

In topic, children have compared and contrasted Spain with the UK.  They have looked at Spain’s geographical location in the world and identified its major cities, including the capital.

In French, pupils have learnt new vocabulary associated with the parts of the body.  

In science, children have set up an experiment to investigate what plants need for healthy growth.  We are growing cress in class and will study the results over the next week.  Pupils have recapped the names of many common flowers and trees, as well as describing the different functions of the main parts of a plant.    

In art, pupils have drawn an object in the Cubist style.  Their portraits have included many techniques such as hatching, shading and smudging.

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