Over the last couple of weeks the class have been continuing to work hard on the following:
- Planning a poster based on the Romans which will have an electrical circuit to provide it with a ‘light-up’ function.
- Understanding how newspapers are written and in particular the use of ‘features’ and ‘headlines’. This is in preparation for writing their own newspaper articles which will be based on a ‘strange creature at Kings Caple’.
- Completing work on decimals and fractions and moving on to more in-depth work on areas and perimeters.
- Investigating sources of light and in particular testing the light reflecting properties of materials by exploring whether all surfaces and materials reflect light.
The class are looking forward to sharing this term’s ‘open book’ afternoon with parents and carers and are excited about visiting Sutton Academy to showcase their Moving Target’s dance.
We wish our football team the very best of luck when they visit Sutton on 21st March to take part in the HMFA Football tournament. Go team KC!