We have all started the term in high spirits, we of course send our love and hugs to Daisy ðŸ˜Š â€“ we look forward to seeing you as soon and miss you greatly.

We have been tackling statistics and shape in maths, which has introduced a new skill set and enabled the class to use a different techniques and approaches to mathematical questioning. It has been wonderful to see them all grow in confidence.

During English, we have been looking at biographies! The children have spent time writing in the past tense and 3rd person, with some of the older children looking at changes in formality. I am looking forward to reading their final pieces now they have completed their research on Greta Thunberg.

In science we have begun our new topic on plant reproduction; re capping how important each part of the plant is within that process.

This week we have begun looking at the Anglo – Saxons and began answering the question of how hard was it to invade and settle in Britain? We have drawn comparisons between different ages and discussed if we preferred Britain under Roman or Anglo-Saxon rule.

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