Class 1 have now started looking at their new text – Dougal’s Deep Sea Adventure, which they are really enjoying. Â They have written some facts after reading the diary entries and enjoyed interviewing Dougal in a ‘hot seating’ activity. Â
In mathematics, the children are gaining in confidence with numbers beyond 20. Years 1 and year 2 have finished off their activities on multiplication and division. Â The whole class are busy working on learning their times tables and getting more fluent in the recall of the facts. Â
In science the class are comparing animals and have begun sorting them into groups, finding common features of mammals, birds, amphibians, reptiles and fish.
As part of our next design and technology unit we are going to design, make and evaluate a windmill. The children have already looked at the structure and what features need to be moving and stable. Â In our Geography work the class have started considering the question, ‘Is the weather the same throughout the UK?’ Â We have found out how we get the four seasons and what impact the tilt of the Earth has on this. Â For computing the children are now using their skills learnt to programme and move a Bee-Bot, evaluating as they set up the commands.