In English, children have been ordering and improving a set of instructions.  They have identified ‘bossy’ verbs in sentences and discussed their purpose in commands.  They have participated in a shared write on making a cup of tea and will soon invent their own instruction text.  Pupils have focussed on question and exclamation marks in SPAG sessions and which one should be used to end a particular sentence.
In maths, pupils have focussed on using written methods for addition (adding by partitioning/column method).  They have moved on to developing their mental subtraction through many Tara Maths activities and/or mastery problem solving.

In science, children have explored how food is transported from farm to fork and why plants provide such a crucial source of food for all humans/animals.  They have identified what flora and fauna lives in their local habitat and explained how a habitat provides an animal with both food and shelter.  Children will move on to naming some of the world’s largest habitats next and discuss what plants and animals might live there.

In RE, pupils have recalled events in the Noah’s Ark story and discussed its significance to Christians today.
In computing, children have identified different technological devices in the home and how they can be used.
In topic, pupils have researched the life and times of Samuel Pepys.  They have written their own diary entries, recalling the spread of the fire in the capital on that fateful day. Children will move on to writing biographies on Samuel Pepys, using the facts from their research.

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