Class 1 have revisited instruction writing to plan a set of instructions to train their particular dragon. Â Initially the children have created a named dragon and have described its main features, including where it lives. Â
The children used drama to help them understand that instructions need to be explicitly written using imperative (bossy) verbs. Â In mathematics the year one have been looking at missing number calculations and using their number facts or objects to help them balance the equals.
In history we have now looked at flight into space and the class created their own lunar modules to test how to descend safely onto the moon’s surface. Â In science we have tested materials for their ability to stretch and recorded our findings. Â
In art the class have used their collage skills and use of creating texture to create an animal. Â In computing we have used and explored word to develop the skill of copying and pasting. Â The class have really enjoyed using call and response to perform with their voices and instruments.