Although not until the 2024 Summer Term, we have signed up for ‘Bikeability’ again this year. This is where Bikeright’s Bikeability instructors visit the school to help our pupils (in years 5 & 6) develop their cycling skills. The Bikeability training includes:
- controlling your bike;
- assessing traffic;
- where to position yourself on the road;
- safety equipment; and
- simple bike maintenance.
The training equips children with vital life skills with pupils not only learning to cycle but gaining independence, social skills and a sense of wellbeing. After Bikeability, children are better at responding to risk and report increased confidence.
Further information will be provided to our Year 5 and 6 parents nearer the time but children will need to bring in their bikes and safety helmets to take part in the event which is scheduled for Monday 24th June.