In maths, we have compared lengths and discussed which measuring apparatus is the best choice for a particular purpose.  We have looked at basic conversion and solved problems involving length.  Year 3’s have found the perimeters of various rectangular shapes.  We will move on to 3D shape next.

In English, children have developed their creative writing skills by writing setting descriptions, focussing on the use of descriptive language and conjunctions to extend ideas further. We will move on to innovating the class text ‘Charlie’s Bag’ and write our new versions in the coming week.

In art, we have used careful sketching techniques to draw some still life pictures and experimented with line and shading to create specific effects.

In topic, children have used runes to write secret messages and explored how Anglo – Saxons communicated with their own alphabet.  We will move on to looking at the meaning of place names and how many originated from Anglo – Saxon times.

In science, pupils have investigated which materials reflect light and will move on to exploring how mirrors work.

In RE, children have discussed the importance of the Bible for Christians and will explore some of these stories and their significance next.

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