Class 1 have been looking at ways to improve and write interesting sentences to start a story.  The class have looked at different books to compare how the stories have been developed to interest the reader.

In maths the children have looked at how to represent numbers and understand place value.  Reception have combined numbers and talked through number sentences to show addition.  The whole class have investigated different explorers and where they have discovered over time.  In our topic work they have all looked at the equipment different explorers would need depending on where they were going.  In science we have looked at what animals we think live in our country compared to the rest of the world or even if they exist today.

As part of art the class have used weaving and pastels to create a fish and sketched each other using pencils and some shading.

In RE we have begun looking at how our world is special and the wonders it has as well as considering the creation stories.

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