Happy New Year!
It has been lovely welcoming the children back into school and hearing all about their Christmas break. We have some very exciting things happening this half term that we are looking forward to, such as our trip to the Egyptian centre and Moving Targets.
This week, we have started our new Egyptian topic and have discussed our big question ‘How did the aristocracy shape ancient Egypt’s civilisation’. The children seem very excited to find out more about the ancient Egyptians, so ask them what they have learnt at home, as I’m sure they will enjoy telling you all about it and it will also help them to recall their learning.
We are reading ‘The Secrets of a Sun King‘ in our whole class comprehension lessons and focussing on the model text ‘A Time-Slip Scarab‘ in writing. The children will be writing a portal story using lots of description and including a variety of punctuation. Â
In maths, we have been continuing to develop our understanding of multiplication and division.
Following on from our trip to the farm, we will be exploring animals’ digestion and food in science. In art we are creating 3D sculptures using a range of materials and in French we will be recapping days of the week, learning the months of the year and how to say birthdays.Â