The children have come back and are really enjoying our new text Traction Man. The class invented a report on how the start of the book mentioned that Traction Man had a terrible parachute accident. The class have looked at different writing techniques to describe his character and have even written repetitive descriptions in the style of a rap. In maths the year 2 have considered money and ways you can represent money using different coins and notes. Year 1 have been using their understanding of place value to represent numbers up to 20 and have now moved onto using a number line to understand how to add and subtract. In science the class have talked about their knowledge of the human body and have compared the human body with other animals looking for similarities and differences.
For history, the class have completed a timeline of toys and have enjoyed playing with some old-fashioned toys such as Action Man, Barbie, Thunderbirds, and even dress the doll type activities based on Traction Man. In art we have been investigating colours and the children have mixed primary to create secondary colours and even tertiary colours. In computing the class have been using computers to design a project to make a rocket.