Class 1 have started looking at measuring and comparing length, height, and mass of different objects. Reception is considering how to represent numbers in different ways by combining 2 numbers to find a total and learn number facts for numbers. 

In English the class have been listening and exploring the story of the Princess and the Pea and have used this to look at sequencing events and how speech is used.  As part of world book day the children worked on writing character descriptions and writing a shared story start with characters they created together. 

In RE the class are considering the question Why Easter matters to Christians?  This week they created Easter gardens together using their own thoughts and ideas.  We have also started our topic on Castles and have created a timeline of changes through history.  The class will be looking at different artists and how they have shown what castles looked like in the past using engraving techniques.  In science we are considering how plants grow and develop and we are looking forward to setting up a class greenhouse.

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